Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back in Gear

Wow...It has been a long time, hasn't it? My last post obviously was an emotional and difficult one. And I took a lot of time "off" from things. Including blogging.

I'd like to start back up again soon. I'm having my business cards re-designed by a fabulous company called Site Impressions, family owned and operated by Sheryl and Joe. Sheryl has designed some amazing drafts and now I just have to pick out the ones I like best.

We've been remodeling our kitchen. What a nightmare that is. But the great news about the remodel is that I'll have my own little built in desk to work on jewelry. YAY! I'll even get to work on a granite surface...so spoiled, right? :)

Of course, the whole kitchen remodel is in honor of my mother in law, Pat. We told her, before she passed, that we were going to redo the kitchen with our "inheritance". She always laughed and said "Good, maybe then you'll start cooking." :) And that is my hope too.

I have a list of things to do and there's still never enough time. My work is still amazing and I love my job so much. But I miss making jewelry and blogging. This blog needs to be cleaned up and revamped but that will be a lower priority than just getting back into the swing of things.

So...here's to new starts. New blog posts. And new jewelry.

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