Friday, January 29, 2010

Beautiful Sites

Later this year when I'm no longer at my current job and (maybe) have more time to focus on jewelry things, I'd like to get my blogs redesigned. Preferably I'd like to at least get this blog designed to match my website (and someday get my main website back up to accept orders).

Maybe someday my website will be in the 35 Most Beautiful Websites. :)

Mail Chimp made it! Which doesn't really surprise me as they have an extremely great set up and easy to work with system.

These are some of my favorites.

Not all of them look that beautiful to me. This one kind of creeps me out.

I am not sure if the lady I've been working with for my website does blog design too but if so I'll probably stick with her. Unless someone has a suggestion for a really great blog designer. It has to be something I can work with and don't need to rely on them to update things. And of course it has to work with Blogger because I have no real desire to switch to another site...although I'm not completely opposed to it if it's easy (and easy by MY standards, which means kindergarten).


Small Town Mommy said...

Your designer can probably do the blog as well. The programmer is very similar for both. Good luck!

CastoCreations said...

Thanks! I'm sure she can and maybe after I'm done getting established in my new job I'll find time to work on it. :)