Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gift Giving Made Simple

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of FriendGiftr. All opinions are 100% mine.

How many of you have woken up one morning and realized..."OH crap! So and So has a birthday today!!!" You don't have time to run to the store for a present or maybe they live across the country and you forgot to send something. I'm not saying this has happened to us or anything ... *cough* ... um ... yeah.

Now you don't have to fret. I don't know about you, but I LOVE getting gift cards. And FriendGiftr has made it super easy, convenient, and friendly to send the perfect gift...even at the last minute. You can send real physical cards or even virtual ones!

There are over 120 vendors you can choose from, including one of our favorites, Cabela's. =) Of course, not everyone is going to love Cabela' if we picked a Cabela's card to send and our friend didn't love it - FriendGiftr actually lets them SWAP for a card they do want! How cool is that? No one wants a gift card to go to waste, but if you don't like a certain store what do you do? Swap it! The giver doesn't even have to know so no hurt feelings.

As if it wasn't already a great site, FriendGiftr also works with your iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and even Facebook. So if you're out at the grocery store and realize you need to send a gift fast - you're covered!

Oh...and if you want to send me a gift card I won't complain. :)

Visit my sponsor: America's Favorite Gift Cards

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

BWAHAHA! This post made me crack up. I haven't tried FriendGift, but I think I will soon. The kids love to get gift cards...