Sunday, August 15, 2010

Make It Stop!





These all describe my family right now. I'm not made for this kind of weather. I was born and raised here and a nice day is light clouds at around 70 degrees and a slight breeze. That's shots and tank top weather. That's heat up the car too much to take the dogs anywhere weather.

This is insane, boil my ever-luvin brains weather. My mom's car temp gauge said 104. 104!!! WTH?!? Tomorrow is supposed to be as hot, if not hotter.

Poor little Marshal man doesn't love this weather any more than I do. Saturday he was in tears - so tired and needing a nap but too hot to actually sleep. :(

Sun, Sun, Go AWAY!!! I'm ready for a nice cold snowy winter. Who's with me?

1 comment:

Rebecca Mecomber said...

I'm with you!!! I dislike the hot weather, too. We've had record humidity this year....