I know...two sponsored posts in as many days. Crazy right? But I had to write about this one because it actually hits very close to home for me.
Hubby and I talked and prayed about whether or not to have Marshal's cord blood stored. It's very expensive and the science is far from settled.
However, we did decide to have his cord blood taken right after birth and sent off to a company (not the sponsor company) to store in case (God forbid!) he ever needed it someday. Why? Because my father died from cancer at the age of 36. And hubby's mom is dying from Leukemia right now. We also have a variety of diseases in our family like hypertension and diabetes. But it was the cancer issues (since it's on both sides of our family) that made us decide to do it.
While the science might not be settled, I have faith that science continues to make huge strides in the area of stem cells. The cells inside the cord blood are extremely special - they are a perfect match for Marshal. Stem cells can (potentially) benefit him in the event that he has to be treated for a disease like cancer. There is even talk of stem cells helping with Type 1 Diabetes and to regenerate heart cells:
"Stem cells from umbilical cord blood may provide the raw material to repair the hearts of thousands of babies born each year with defective heart valves, according to data presented at last week's American Heart Association annual meeting."Obviously these things are not settled science, but with our history it just made sense to save Marshal's cord blood. You only have one chance to save this precious substance and it's something you need to plan ahead. If you are having a baby soon, or plan on having one someday, I recommend discussing this option with your partner (and your doctor) and doing research on the best option for you.
Cryo-Cell International is working with Save the Children...for every person who enrolls with them, Cryo-Cell Int'l will donate $25 to Save the Children and the relief efforts ongoing in Haiti. This is only through the end of February, but even if you don't enroll this month it's something to be considered and researched.

It is a good cause that companies like cryo-cell int. have taken up. I hope all the relief supplies reach the needy in Haiti on time.
I know...there is SO much work that needs to be done down there and now that the "drama" has worn off the news cycles I'm sure that donations are dropping.
This is a good post, I have never met anyone who had their baby's cord blood stored. I had my children before the practice was begun.
I don't like the idea of transplants/donors/transfusions from other people. There's so much disease now... I had a relative who had some of her own blood stored up for surgeries, about 30 years ago. Sad thing is, during surgery more blood was required, so the doctors got it from a blood donor. My relative wound up with Hepatitis C. :( Bad liver problems.
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