Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where Is Spring???

The weather here lately has looked more like October than May...cold and stormy. Although I suppose in Washington this is technically typical. It's been really nutty. Last night was so windy that our nanny's wrought iron table outside got blown all the way across her deck. Insane!

It's supposed to be stormy for the next few days. I was hoping it would be nice this weekend since hubby needs to plant his dahlias.

The alternative plans for the weekend include moving my desk from the living room (not so productive) into hubby's office (our one spare room). It will take some maneuvering to get enough room in there but it would be good to have more space to file things. Plus it'll give us a more spacious living room.

Marshal is getting very close to walking. =) We are in SOOOOO much trouble with this kid. It's crazy. His teeth are coming in and he wants to walk. He gets in his little Jeep walker and just goes. It's so cute. He's going to be eight months old next week. How in the world did that happen!?!?! I love seeing things through his eyes - utter fascination!

Listening to him giggle is just the sweetest sound in the entire world. Papa is making him laugh hysterically right now and I just LOVE it. It's just so precious and makes my heart swell up. We are so blessed. Life isn't perfect and I'm certainly not doing all that great ... but in the grand scheme of things we have everything we need.

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