Sunday, August 24, 2008

Speaking of Age

What is with my body? I turn 3o and suddenly I fall apart?!?

A couple of weekends ago, Trooper and I went to an agility demo for Fido's Farm. I loved it and had a great time - and I'm sure that Trooper did too. He got to meet all kinds of fun and new dogs and people. He wanted to eat my lunch (I had a hot dog) but he had to settle for his kibble.

However, that night I could hardly walk. Both of my knees hurt SO bad. I've never had bad knees and I didn't do anything particularly strenuous at the demo. We were there for 4 hours and worked hard but I don't remember wrenching anything.

Ever since then my knees have fluctuated between dull aches and severe, cringe inducing pain. Today I ran a couple of errands - it didn't take more than 2 hours - and then I ran around cleaning up the house to get ready for our foster puppy's new family.

And now my knees feel like balloons...lead balloons that are pulsating.

What the flippin' heck? I hate taking pills but my mom says I need to take ibuprofen. *sigh*

And it's Sunday night...I hate Sunday evenings. It means work starts tomorrow and I'm reminded of all the things I did not accomplish over the weekend. The never ending list of chores with not enough hours in the day.

The good news? I had a fabulous time shopping and bought over $200 worth of product and spent less than $15. Woot! Coupons rock. :)


Anonymous said...

lol, wait until you hit 35!

Unknown said...

My Doctor gave me samples of Ultram ER for my knees. It's a non-narcotic pain med. I think that's what's been making me so sleepy all day, but at least my knees aren't hurting so bad that I'm afraid to climb the stairs anymore!

Hope you feel better soon! :-)

HoundsGood said...

If you think you are falling apart, wait til you hit 34, you young whippersnapper :)

I find that I can't do the same things I did when I was 20. I am of proportionate weight, but I can't "lay around on the sofa, and then decide to run a 3K or 5K charity race the next day with no training or physical preperation whatsoever." Now I would have to actually train for it.