Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nearly There and Moving On

Nearly one third of my life has been spent in the employment of my current job. Wow...that's so weird. When I started there, at the ripe old age of 21, it was one of the best places to work in the state (ranked by whoever ranks these things) and number 11 or 12 in the country of mid sized companies by Fortune 500. Somehow I don't think we made the list the last few years. I certainly didn't give it a good review the last time I was asked.

When I started it was just switching over from being entirely family owned to being sold to a large insurance company. The former owner/CEO was retiring and stepping down and the new CEO was a current employee who was awesome. A few years though and he too was stepping down as CEO and a new associate took the reigns. I didn't think he was so bad, but others weren't so pleased with his performance or decisions.

One of those decisions that he had been trying to push was moving the company's headquarters to Seattle. He left the company before that decision could be implemented, but last year it finally did come down from yet another new CEO ... moving to Seattle.

The commute from where I live now to Seattle would take at least 60 minutes and some days 90 to 120 minutes depending on traffic. That's one way by the way. Taking the train wouldn't make it much better since I would still have to drive halfway there and then the train had to make a couple more stops before dropping me off far enough from the new headquarters to require a hike or a bus.

After I was back from maternity leave last December I knew I wasn't long for the company. I met with our Aflac agent to sign up for a Cancer policy and update our Accident policies and the rest is history. I asked her how she liked her job ... and now I am an Aflac agent!!! I start officially with my new office, which is only 10 minutes from my house, on April 26. Woohoo!

In the meantime, my last day at my current job is this Friday and I'm sort of sad. I've had panic attacks when in the office this week. But I'm not yet sad. I will miss my coworkers who are absolutely wonderful. But the company itself has gone from one that I am proud to work for to one that I roll my eyes at ... I no longer believe their mission statement or their so called ethics claims (or their claim to put employees first). I see the new CEO as out for only a buck and no matter what his words are, his actions speak much louder.

It's sad really. In general it is still a good company filled with hard working, dedicated people who want it to succeed. I will miss them a ton.

But I had to do what's right for me and my family. Working for Aflac is going to allow me to truly be my own boss. Yes, selling jewelry allows me to be my own boss. But it's very much unsupported...working with Aflac there is an entire team and company behind you to help you succeed. It's all about how hard I work and how dedicated I am.

I'm terrified. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm a little sick to my stomach. I'm definitley looking forward to the future. I believe that God has guided me to this point. It's not something I ever would have thought of before - especially since it is 100% commissions. But I believe that I can be successful, and being closer to home will give me the chance to see my son grow up as opposed to just kissing him goodnight when I get home after a 14 hour day.

He's getting so big! Only 6 1/2 months old though. :)

I've thought about not making jewelry for awhile and shutting down my Etsy shop, but I really hate to do that. I know that I'll be very busy and probably overwhelmed for awhile. But making jewelry helps me relax and get that creative part of my soul satisfied. So the jewelry will continue.

As will the blogging. I love to blog. And I love reading other people's blogs.

This is getting long...obviously I'm nervous about this whole change...I hate change. :)


Dana said...

You'll be fine and the challenge will give you inspiration for the other things in your life. You will still have those "friends" that you now work with... they will alway's be a part of who you are and will be in your life as much as you want them to be.

I give you kudos for doing something that so many of us wanted to do but didn't feel we could until we were forced out. Now I couldn't be happier. So everything does come for a reason and now is your time to shine.

Good luck.

Tara Beaulieu said...

First off, your baby boy is such a love! I hated working insane hours when my oldest (now 13) was a baby. I dropped him off at daycare around 6:30 in the morning and picked him up from his grandparents at 11:30 at night, it was awful!

You will be so happy to have that bit of extra time in the morning and evenings to play with him and snuggle!

And as far as Aflac goes, I've never worked for them, but I had a supplemental policy with them when I worked the long hour job and I had cause to use it and they were FABULOUS, so I think you're headed in a direction you'll be really pleased with.

I made the decision, after 10 years at my job, to leave and be home with my boys- but it also had to do with the way the company was being run. I saw so much change over the years and much was not for the better. It's not good for your mind or your soul to work in a place that has a bad vibe. I know you'll feel out of place and unsure for a while, but I really think you'll flourish in your new environment.

Go you for making a brave and healthy move! :)

CastoCreations said...

Thanks, Dana. I am excited and looking forward to getting started. I know I made the right decision and am trying not to second guess myself.

Thank you Tara! =) My little one is the main reason for thish change. I love Aflac too and was actually a policy holder for 8 years before I even thought of selling it. I'm SO excited to be able to spend time with him and be a mom first.

Anna said...

Congratulations! You'll be so much happier having that extra time with both your boys!

I spent 11 1/2 years at my job and was able to quit and spend more time with my girls. I loved being able to have picnic day with them at school & attend every concert, play and cheer competition! Now my baby's graduating and it's so nice to be able to look back and know that I was able to share so many of their school memories with them! I missed a lot during their baby & toddler years, but I think having me there when they were in school and in their teens was even more important!

Meg, I wish you all the best with the new job and that it allows you to spend much more time with the baby, especially when he starts school.

CastoCreations said...

Thanks Anna! That's exactly what I look forward to. The flexibility to be there for my son for all of his big and little events. At the same time I think it will allow me to work hard and be successful at something outside of the home (which is pretty important for much as I'd love to be a SAHM, I don't think it's healthy for me). :)