And I've started updating my Etsy Gemstone shop with new offerings - some of which are very cool and unique (if I do say so myself). I was so inspired when I bought some of these pieces but now my mind goes blank when I look at them. Except that they are so beautiful! It is very hard to let some of these go. Like this fossilized wood pendant. I absolutely adore these (I have a couple) but can't think of what to do with them. My mind completely blanks. And they are too lovely to keep hidden away in my supply drawers.

Not everything has made it to my Etsy shop yet so if you're interested in anything you see in my latest Flickr folder let me know. I'll try to get it posted right away. Most items have 4 pictures, one of which has a small description of the item, and if it is posted in Etsy it says "POSTED".
I also started creating findings of Fine Silver for people to enjoy - I love fusing and sometimes if I don't feel like actually making jewelry I find that it's relaxing to just sit and fuse or melt metal. :) I know, it's weird, but it's cheaper than therapy. So I decided to start offering some of these findings for sale as well.

So far they are all fine silver but I may experiment with 14k gold and sterling one of these days. Maybe.
In the interest of getting rid of AS MANY beads as I possibly can - if you spend $25 I will send along extra beads for free! No extra shipping cost or anything. And they won't be crappy plastic beads. Uh huh. Depending on what you buy I'll send along something complimentary from my stash of unphotographed beads that I would otherwise sell. PLEASE, pretty please with sugar on top, mention this when you check out...because I guarantee you that I will forget in my excitement to get your order ready to ship.

Oh...and any Swarovski Crystal fans? I've broken down and started going through my huge stash. *sigh* I adore crystal but I rarely use it in my work any longer. I'm also adding some gorgeous faceted teardrop CZs that I bought ages ago but haven't managed to work with yet. They are so beautiful and I know someone out there will be inspired by them.
I feel like shopping in my own store...maybe I should just keep some of these. *grin*
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