Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back to School!

Phew. The summer is officially over. At least that's how it feels here in Washington. Labor day hits and the sun disappears. It's now dark when I wake up at 5:30.

And the kids are back in school - fun times. As someone without children (of the non-furry kind) I don't yet know the joys of getting young ones ready for the first day. But I remember the first day as a kid. I LOVED it! I'm such a nerd and I've always loved school. Summer always seemed too long and I would have been one of those rare kids in favor of year round school.

It wasn't the new clothes that got me all atwitter. It was the new school supplies. Brand new fresh crayons (even in high school I had to have a fresh set!), a new binder, brand new pens and pencils...oh the joy!

I miss out on all that now. I have no real excuse for buying a binder or new crayons. When visiting Target I stare longingly at the school supply section...remembering the good ol' days.

Oh, don't forget to slow down in the school zones!

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