I am looking forward to Agility training tonight though. My mother in law is coming with me again so I'm hoping she'll take some more photos.
There's so much to do and not enough time to get it all done. Hubby's birthday is Sunday and I haven't even gotten his gift yet. I wanted to order from the Wren's Nest but it's too late for that. *sigh* Any ideas?
Saturday I'm taking my MIL out for groceries. She's stuck in her little apartment with no car and no way to get around. Hubby won't let her take the bus (I know - I don't get it either) but she doesn't really feel comfortable with the bus anyway. I don't mind taking her. She's a great MIL. I just have so much else to get done.
If I can get all my work done in the next two days I am going to take some time off next week. Keep your fingers (or paws) crossed!!
awww look at that pup! So cute!
I'll cross my fingers for ya, and make sure my pups cross their paws :)
Your pup looks like how you must feel with all of those to-do's hanging over your head
We used to have a wonderful Siberian Huskey that looked so very much like the dog in your photo. He passed away a few years ago, a wonderful dog.
i'll have my cat cross his paws for you. I love your dog!
I hope you had a good day out with your MIL. Sometimes it makes you feel so good to do something nice like that for others you care about! :) Good luck!
*Sorry if this is being posted twice, but the page timed out the first time so I don't think it "took"
I hope that you had a good day out with your MIL. It is funny how doing something nice for someone else you care about can make you feel so good. Good luck getting all your stuff done! :)
Still no vaccay? Hope you get it soon! Cute Trooper!
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